Our Big Blogs

AWS Data & Analytics Services Competency

Written by Matthias Vallaey | May 29, 2024 1:52:45 PM

We are thrilled to announce that Cronos, with the help of Big Industries, has been recognized by AWS for our Competency in Data & Analytics! This is a huge achievement and we couldn't be more proud.

The AWS Competency Program is an AWS Specialization Program that validates partner expertise in building software or delivering services across industries, use cases, and workloads. Competency Partners are measured against a high bar to achieve an AWS Specialization, making it easier for customers to find partners with the right expertise and experience to grow their business.

AWS Data and Analytics Competency Partners have demonstrated success in helping customers evaluate and use the tools and best practices for collecting, storing, governing, and analyzing data at any scale. Our customers can benefit from our early access to new product roadmaps and our direct access to AWS product management and technical staff.

The Cronos Group has expanded into an organization comprising over 8,000 employees across 12 countries. Our group offers comprehensive IT services to facilitate the realization of our customers’ ambitions. In this endeavor, we increasingly collaborate with multidisciplinary teams, combining diverse perspectives to gain a holistic view of projects. This approach empowers us to deliver increasingly innovative solutions, catering to the evolving needs of our clients.

The Cronos Group is actively involved in various innovative sectors and serves as a catalyst in transforming scientific research on new technologies into practical business solutions.