Cloudera End of Support, How Big Industries can help
If you haven’t already started making plans for the HDP 3.1 or CDH 6 End of Support Life (EOSL) coming up in December 2021 and March 2022 respectively, now is the time to do so to make sure that you’re fully prepared.
In this article, we’ll be covering what the HDP 3.1 and CDH 6 EOSL means for you, what your options are, and how Big Industries can help whatever option you choose.
What Does Cloudera HDP 3 and CDH 6 End of Life Support Mean?
Cloudera HDP 3 and CDH 6 End of Life Support refers to the end of Cloudera’s obligation to support the HDP 3 and CDH 6 release, even for customers who have support contracts with Cloudera. This is planned for December 2021 and March 2022 respectively, and includes (but is not limited to) any form of support or maintenance investigation from Cloudera via Cloudera’s support portal and any further patch fixes or software releases for HDP 3 and CDH 6.
What Are Your Options as a Cloudera Customer?
This announcement forces customers to confront an EoS decision. If a customer chooses to stay with Cloudera, they must either upgrade, request extended support or run unsupported. Let’s explore these options in more detail.
Upgrade to CDP Private or Public Cloud
CDP Private Cloud is the next version of the Cloudera Platform for on-premises clusters. This distribution is the merger of two previous distributions of Hadoop; Cloudera and Hortonworks. The company had to make the decision to deprecate services to consolidate the platform for go forward potential. This has resulted in a number of significant changes. In working with our customers, we’re keenly aware of the challenges and the amount of work involved. The good news is that we definitely can help.
Cloudera’s preferred option for customers is to upgrade to CDP Public Cloud. This is Cloudera’s product as a SaaS service running on AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Cloudera also offers the possibility to combine on-premise with public cloud implementations in a hybrid setup.
Extended Support
Given the amount of work involved in the previous options, customers may request extended support of HDP 3 or CDH 6. This has a big price tag and only kicks the can down the road. Customers should only explore this option if they have a clear timeline for implementing the previous options or are in the process of migrating to a new technology platform.
Run unsupported
If you do not get Cloudera extended support, and are unable to finish a migration before the EOSL date, you are looking at continuing to use your HDP 3 or CDH 6 platform unsupported. While unsupported, any major production issue will fall solely on your platform administration team to solve. You will not be able to raise a Cloudera support case for a HDP 3 or CDH 6 platform following the EOSL date to have Cloudera assist in resolving issues, even in Production environments. Even worse, CDH version 6.3.3 will not be accessible anymore as it runs behind a paywall.
How can big industries help?
With the End of Support Life date for HDP 3 and CDH 6 rapidly approaching , it’s best to consider what the future of your big data platform will look like, and take steps to make it a reality, as soon as possible. Big Industries can help with this!
We can evaluate your platform as it is today and work on your behalf with our technology partners at Cloudera, AWS and Microsoft Azure to determine what the best migration strategy is for you to help get you moving fast.

Matthias Vallaey
Matthias is founder of Big Industries and a Big Data Evangelist. He has a strong track record in the IT-Services and Software Industry, working across many verticals. He is highly skilled at developing account relationships by bringing innovative solutions that exceeds customer expectations. In his role as Entrepreneur he is building partnerships with Big Data Vendors and introduces their technology where they bring most value.